Analemmatic sundial in
Torreón, Coahuila, México

Terminator maps

When you stand on the correct point of the date scale at sunrise, at the summer solstice (5:12 a.m.), spring or autumn equinox (6 a.m.) or winter solstice (6:47 a.m.), you will see your shadow projected towards one of the circular maps at the west side, at the corresponding hour.

Maps at the west side


When you stand on the correct point of the date scale at sunset, at the summer solstice (6:47 p.m.), spring or autumn equinox (6 p.m.) or winter solstice (5:12 p.m.), you will see your shadow projected towards one of the circular maps at the east side, at the corresponding hour.

Maps at the east side


This map shows the terminator line across the Mexican Republic as seen from space at the summer solstice.

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