Analemmatic dials

Rasht (Iran) - Construction and inauguration

Fresh colors after the rain

September 21, 2001. It requires some planning to insert a sundial into existing tiling. Below one can see how the trick was done. First, the dial was roughly laid out on the tiling, so as to determine which tiles had to be removed. The man kneeling at the left end of the tape measure is Mohammad Bagheri, the designer of the dial.

Rough lay-out of the dial

Next the actual, accurate lay-out was done, starting with the determination of the meridian by the approved string-and-weight method.

Determination of the meridian

On September 24 the craftmanship came in. Leveling the hour and month tiles should be done carefully.

Adjusting the month plaques

Mohammad Bagheri (standing) is holding the tile for Mordad, the fifth month of the Iranian calendar (see the previous page for details).

Placing the month plaques and footsteps

The inauguration ceremony was held on March 2, 2002, in the presence of the official and academic authorities of Rasht ands scores of amateur astronomers. The upper banner says: All organizers and guests are cordially welcomed at the inauguration of the analemmatic sundial. The second banner welcomes especially the Governor of the province of Gilan.

Ready for the inauguration ceremony

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