
Signs of the zodiac and the planets

Date lines on sundial faces are often marked with the signs of the zodiac. Sometimes also planets are represented (for instance in Carcassonne). The tables below list these symbols.

Signs of the zodiac
Constellation Latin name Symbol Entering date Declination (°)
Ram Aries March 20 0.0
Bull Taurus April 20 11.5
Twins Gemini May 21 20.2
Crab Cancer June 21 23.4
Lion Leo July 23 20.2
Virgin Virgo August 23 11.5
Scales Libra September 23 0.0
Scorpion Scorpio October 23 -11.5
Archer Sagittarius November 22 -20.2
Goat Capricornus December 21 -23.4
Water bearer Aquarius January 20 -20.2
Fishes Pisces February 18 -11.5

The planets
Planet Symbol Period (year)
Sun --
Mercury 0.24
Venus 0.62
Earth 1.00
Moon 0.07 (ref. earth)
Mars 1.88
Jupiter 11.86
Saturn 29.46
Uranus 84.01
Neptune 164.79
Pluto 247.70